Monday, November 9, 2009

Tropical Chia Pudding and Life

Just been soooo busy these last few weeks, didn't even have time to read all the blogs that I follow and I'm trying to catch up but some blogs are so interesting that it's taking awhile. We have been continuing to clean up around here and also we have finished the so called Pink room, which our daughter is shifting into, I might be able to get a picture when she is settled in, but it is such a lovely feeling to now have two rooms in the house finished. In the last month I have also joined the Melbourne Rawfood Meetup group and they had a get together here in Hepburn springs, now that was truly an eye opener, I have never seen such a delicious banquet of good for you food before, I am inspired. I don't think I'll go fully raw, but I think 60% to 70% might be a good compromise. I also attended World Vegan Day with my Daughter and my 2 Granddaughters which made it very difficult to see everything, I think next year I'll go with friends or even by my self as I'd like to go to some of the lectures. Life at the moment is good and I thank God for that. I was given this recipe by Helena and it is very good and also very easy.
Serves 4
2 ripe mangoes
3-4 ripe bananas
1 thai drinking coconut
1/2 cup of chia seeds

1. Soak the chia seeds in 3 cups of water for 2 hours.
2. Open the coconut and pour the coconut water into a blender.
3. Scrape out the coconut flesh and add to the blender.
4. Add mangoes and bananas to blender and blend till smooth.
5. Pour contents of blender into a bowl and add chia seeds and mix well.

Perhaps some Cashew nut cream or coconut cream as an extra dollop on top. Delicious